Hitting the sweet spot of enterprise computing with IBM Power10
IBM Power10 can function as the engine of the digital enterprise by being secure, reliable, scalable, and sustainable while delivering hybrid cloud capabilities. This white paper looks deeper into IBM Power10’s advantages from an infrastructure and deployment perspective.
Enterprise & Scale-Out Systems with Power10 Processor Technology
Today’s IT landscape can appear as a conundrum. In the drive toward becoming a digital enterprise and satisfying the needs of hyper-demanding customers, businesses find themselves attempting to achieve the near impossible.
This white paper digs deeper into IBM Power10 infrastructure and deployment considerations and looks in detail at the IBM Power10 processor and the new IBM Power platform.
Contact the IBM POWER AND STORAGE team at Covenco to learn how we can help your organisation benefit from improved storage performance and security.
Call Steve Hollingsworth at: +44 (0)1753 732 000 or email: [email protected]
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